Cape Cola 330ml

(3 customer reviews)



Cape Cola, produced by The Fair Taste, is the idea to make a change by changing the most popular soft drink and turning it into a drink still refreshing but likewise even more than that – locally sourced, ethically produced and made of natural ingredients.  It’s their vision to give something back to South Africa’s society working together with social NGOs spending a certain amount of each bottle sold to projects supporting people and children in need or our valuable environment.

Key ingredients are real kola nut, lime, ginger, mate and for a unique South African flavour, honeybush.  The recipe excludes the phosphoric acid, anti-foaming agents and sugar found in other colas. With 3g of sugar per 330ml, Cape Cola uses organic stevia and a high quality xylitol as an alternative to refined sugar.

Be sure to also try out Cape Cola’s ‘Lemi Lemi,’ a natural alternative to commercial lemonades. Available for purchase here.

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3 reviews for Cape Cola 330ml

  1. Lasse

    Best Alternative for sugarfree soft drinks. Great taste and flavors. Love it.

  2. slavko calusic

    Hey Lasse
    Ich habe gerade n bericht gesehen über Cape Cola und bin begeistert von deiner Zucker freien alternative zur Coca Cola. Daher wollte ich mal fragen ob du interesse daran hast deine Idee in kroatien zu etablieren. Also ich hätte Lust darauf dein Getränk in kroatien evtl auch Bosnien populär zu machen. Würde mich auf eine Mail von dir freuen. Lg slavko

  3. Eileen Magor

    I cant actually believe how similar to coke this is. Just a milder flavour. Nicer, in my opinion.
    Really enjoyed it.

    • Shop Zero

      We are so pleased to hear this, Eileen. Thank you for letting us know. 🙂

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