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Plant-based Peanut Butter & Choc Easter Eggs

Photo credit: Megan Gilmore

The Easter Bunny is permitted to travel freely so is able to bring these eggsquisite Easter eggs to all children (plus all the “big children”) in South Africa. Staying inside is the best reason to start making your own healthy treats at home. If you have kids, it’s also a great time to get them involved and spend some quality time together in the kitchen. You probably already have these ingredients, so we hope you’ll be able to make your own Easter eggs this weekend.

This is a kid-friendly recipe with a wonderful sensory experience. Forming the peanut butter dough into little balls and then pressing them into egg shapes, feels like playing with play dough. These healthier peanut butter eggs will also help keep your kids from bouncing off the walls with processed, refined sugar treats. Nourish them with these chewy bites instead.

This recipe won’t egg-haust you as these peanut butter eggs take no longer than 20 minutes to make. They are also much healthier for you AND less trashy. These wrapper-free Easter eggs are therefore also healthier for our planet! Your sweet tooth just got a lot more sustainable…

Recipe inspo thanks to Megan Gilmore. Go check out her Instagram feed over at @detoxinista and for the most amazing vegan and gluten-free recipes be sure to check out her website here.

Ingredients for 6 servings
1/2 cup unsweetened peanut butter (creamy or crunchy, your choice)
3 TBSP Silan Date Syrup (order online here)
1 TBSP coconut flour
1/4 tsp salt (add only if your peanut butter is unsalted)
1/2 cup dark chocolate
1 tsp coconut oil

1. In a medium bowl, combine the peanut butter, date syrup, coconut flour, and salt (if using). Mix well until batter is formed.
2. Use a spoon to scoop the batter into 6 balls then use your hands to shape the dough into egg shapes. Arrange the egg shapes on a plate lined with parchment paper, and place in the freezer to set.
3. While the peanut butter eggs are setting in the freezer, melt the dark chocolate and coconut oil together using the double boiler method.
4. Remove the the peanut butter eggs from the freezer and dip each one into the melted chocolate until completely coated.
5. Return the chocolate covered eggs to the parchment paper and spoon any additional chocolate over the top for a thicker chocolate coating.
6. Allow to set in the freezer for at least 10 more minutes then serve!